GCG Asia Founder Dato’ Sri Darren Yaw Shares Tips To Succeed in Behind The Scenes Shoots

Generally, everyone loves the outcome of most movies nowadays. However, people are more concerned with the quality of the picture presented within the film, which directly shows the filming quality. Hence, producing movies is not as easy as it sounds, adding some scenes that need to be removed following the directors’ opinions. In Malaysia, the production industry gives the public high quality details in movies and films to grab the public’s attention to watch the whole movie. Maintaining an excellent quality of movies and pictures is one of the most challenging things to do while producing and shooting films. Everything has to be “on” during the shoot to ease the whole production process. GCG Asia’s Founder Dato’ Sri Darren Yaw shares a few tips and tricks to excel in behind-the-scenes shooting to adhere to the public’s needs. 

Dato’ Sri Darren Yaw says that most production companies in Malaysia struggle to maintain great picture quality throughout the movie. In this article, he offers some excellent advice about the ways to succeed on shoot. According to Dato’ Sri Darren Yaw, everything in a production timeline must not be rushed as there should be perfect timings for every process. This is because rushing the finished work might affect the quality of the aftermath of the details, which will then be altered when the movie is published for the public to watch.


Dato Sri Darren Yaw’s first tip for the crew members is to focus on the task rather than making awful mistakes of entering and framing the scene. As photographers and videographers, they often accidentally miss the integrity of behind-the-scenes photography because they are trying to be too stealthy with the talent. On the other hand, dull pictures and videos are not desired either since they will seem phony, as it will appear as if the individuals in the photo or video are acting for the camera. 

The crew will probably have to get themselves into that awkward middle ground, where they are themselves but not doing their best for the camera. Dato’ Sri Darren Yaw highlighted his experiences which have been to succeed in the whole shooting process in which it is essential to establish rapport with the subject before the crew begin to film. To help someone feel comfortable, the crew members ought to show them that they are okay with who they are. This will lead to better performance later when they see people on camera or when the crews are shooting pictures.

Next, Dato’ Sri Darren Yaw mentioned that they ought to keep in mind that everything needs to move fast as crew members. This is because the more natural it looks, the better the quality of acting. Photographers and videographers need to remember that every moment should be easily captured because we never know what will happen as everything is unpredictable. Shooting behind the scenes is difficult since everything is constantly changing. Dato’ Sri Darren Yaw highlighted that in shooting a narrative film, conducting a photo session, or planning out the whole shoot beforehand are all very different. 

Instead, videographers and photographers should be focusing on capturing unique and meaningful experiences with unpredictable moments, which will result in portraying the authenticity of the actions and acting. Working as crew in the production company often necessitates having cameras available and ready at all times.

Onto his third tip for the success of behind the scene shooting, Dato’ Sri Darren Yaw mentioned that the members of the production site need to not only focus on having perfection. This is because not everything will successfully meet the eyes of the public. However, every shot should be covered and polished from the raw versions significantly to maintain the authenticity of the photographs throughout the movie. This is to ensure the production quality is maintained and the public will recognize the artwork based on the flow of the footage. Dato’ Sri Darren Yaw proposed high-intensity methods for the behind-the-scenes process to avoid any further mistakes with the production site later on. This is because everything starts with having impeccable behind the scene shots before everything makes a movie. Behind-the-scenes shootings have raw qualities, which help things have a sense of character and realism. This is considered as the primary key in every video production process, especially movies with live people. Every detail of the actors and actresses beforehand should be focused on to help to highlight the points throughout the whole movie afterward.

All the tips mentioned by Dato’ Sri Darren Yaw ought to be looked at by the production teams in Malaysia as he is a very experienced director with a clear need of what the public wants in movies. Therefore, it is crucial to take his tips into consideration while producing behind the scene matters.


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